Whats Deploy Pro +?
Deploy Pro + is an optional upgrade that teams can subscribe to so they take advantage of more advanced functionality and a private environment. The only account that need to upgrade to Deploy Pro + is the team leader account, which we will upgrade. The general team member will NOT need to do anything. They can continue using the app for free. Once their team is created and they join the team, the added functionality will be available on their app.
Team Privacy
Teams can be public or private. Privacy will only allow team members to see your team’s data and all teams are set as private by default.
Team admin can send out messages and requests to team members with reply capability to let team admin know how many are responding.
Team Management
Team Leaders can edit or delete any of their team members’ markers. Advanced search and filters to manage team members.
Teams can add other teams as partners to coordinate and share their data during operational periods/indefinitely. Users will be able to be a member of multiple teams and toggle between them within the app.
Web Dashboard
The Team Manager is a web based tool that helps you manage your team members, partnerships with other teams, and send out alerts to team members.
Web Based Map
The map can be viewed from the web dashboard so it can be monitored on a PC or laptop. Great for an EOC or mobile command center.
Event Signups
NEW!! Teams can now create events that team members can sign up for. Search and filter events, and email team members for signups.
Hours Tracking
New!! Assign or edit hours for team members at events. Track your hours for accountability. Includes custom search and filters for specific needs.
New!! Bring on up to 3 sponsors and add banner ads at the top of the screen inside your team’s web dashboard. Get PAID to use Deploy Pro!